Smmpoint`s Internet Marketing Scholarship for Course

  •  Course
  •  15-Dec-2017
  •   Worldwide
  • $$  Total Scholarship value: $3000 / 3 students Availability: Full-time students currently engaged with studies One entry per student. Can enter both scholarships.

With the passing days, new and latest methods are applied for the need of marketing. Digital marketing is the new face of the marketing strategies.

Internet Marketing has become one of the necessities for every business, service or even personals to promote and market themselves. Since the inception of Social Media, the face of the marketing has completely transformed and digitized.

Social Media has become an effective platform to promote any services, business or self. Smmpoint also provides added assistance to increase the popularity in the social media. Individual or business can purchase different services like the higher number of Instagram followers, Retweets along with Facebook likes etc.

Celebrities and many other people and business do that to get the required instant fame and promotion. At Smmpoint, we search for new and attractive ideas constantly and that is why we organize the Bi-Annual Scholarship Program for all the students who are still pursuing their educational course.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for participationThe students need to be from full-time courses and enrolled in colleges and universities.A student can apply for both the scholarship, but will be allowed to enter in only one. The other entry will be ignored.The student from the age group of 18 to 24 is eligible to participate. We also need the documents to proof the same.The participating student needs to inform the financial aid office of the college or university and send us the address of the same.The submission should be English.In case of any false or misleading information, the application will be disqualified without any further notice. No appeal against the decision will be entertained.Any friends or relatives of Smmpoint are not eligible to participate in the contest.By entering the contest, you are authorizing Smmpoint to use your content at its discretion for the publishing or marketing purpose without the requirement to take permission from the writer.Eligibility criteria for participationThe entry is completely free.You can also use the below form to submit your content.Mention the following details along with the submission of the document: –Name of your college or university.Course you are engaged in.Proof for your current studying.The email address of your college or university.Your submission will be judged on the basis of different attributes like clarity, style, use of vocabulary, use of data to support the claim, etc. Make strong points regarding the current trends and curve them to draw a perfect picture of the future.

Offered Benefits

As per the quality of the content, we will pick the 3 best winners and they will win $1000 each. The prize will be sent to the financial aid office of your college or university.

After the winner is chosen in November 2017 for the winter contest, the reward will be sent in December 2017.

Application Process

What you need to do

You need to create an essay on a given topic in about 500 to 1500 words.

The title for the winter scholarship of 2017 (November-December) is:-

How Instagram Has Changed People’s Perception of Social Media.

Summer Scholarship of the year 2018 (June-July) will: –

The Evolution of Social Media As A Marketing Platform For Young Entrepreneurs

Apply Here
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