Take your skills to the next level with the help of Shook & Stone Scholarships. The programme is organized by the Shook & Stone.
Shook & Stone is a full-service law firm comprised of skilled lawyers who are prepared to fight for your right to fair compensation. It has established a reputation as one of the premier personal injury law firms in Nevada.
Application Process
- How to Apply: To apply for the opportunity , applicants must submit the following in an email to [email protected]:
- Name of school, area of study, and intended graduation date
- An essay (max 2,000 words) or a video (max two minutes) included as an attachment
- Supporting Documents: The submitted essay or video must include your response to one of the following essay topics:
- How do personal injury attorneys benefit society?
- Why is it important for injured individuals to have legal representation?
- What poses the biggest personal injury risk for individuals?
- What options do injured individuals have, whether legal, physical, etc.?
- Admission Requirements: Students must hold a high school degree with remarkable results.
- Language Requirement: Applicants must be known with English language proficiency.
Benefits: Shook & Stone will provide the award amount of $2,500 to eligible students.