Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 2024 Climate Researchers From Developing Countries for Fellowship

  •  Fellowship
  •  09-Sep-2024
  •   Africa
  • $$  USD 15,000

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) initiated the SCAR Fellowship Programme in 2002. The aim was to encourage the active involvement of early-career researchers in Antarctic scientific research and to build new connections and further strengthen international capacity and cooperation in Antarctic research. Since the initiation of the programme,  more than 80 SCAR Fellowships have been awarded.

The SCAR Fellowship Programme is designed to encourage the active involvement of early-career researchers in furthering our understanding of Antarctica. The Fellowships enable early-career researchers to join a project team from another country, opening up new opportunities and often creating partnerships that last many years and over many Antarctic research seasons.

Some flexibility was introduced during the pandemic and this will continue. Applicants are able to propose partly or entirely remote Fellowships and, where issues later develop around travel or planned activities, we will work with awardees to enable their fellowships to go ahead.

In 2024, additional funding is being provided by the  Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation through the  Polar Initiative. We will therefore once again be awarding 4-5 Fellowships this year.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Current PhD researcher or within 5 years of finishing PhD;
  2. Visiting an Antarctic research facility in or run by a  SCAR Member country, which is different from applicant’s (a) country of origin and (b) current country of residence;
  3. Should contribute to the objectives of one or more of  SCAR’s science groups, including the  Humanities and Social Sciences group, and/or the  Scientific Research Programmes.

NB: At the end of the Fellowship, each candidate must provide a report to be published on the SCAR website. Reports should cover the accomplishments, and a budgetary report should be completed following a structure similar to those posted on the  Fellows page of the SCAR website. The SCAR Fellowship Scheme should be acknowledged in any resulting publications.

Offered Benefits

  • 4-5 awards for 2024
  • Up to USD $15,000 per award;
  • Home institute to bear in-home country costs (e.g. visa costs, domestic travel);
  • Host institute to waive bench fees, if any.

Application Process

Go to Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) on to apply

The application form and advice on applying can be found in the  How to Apply section.

Applicants may find the  2016 SCAR-COMNAP-APECS webinar on preparing Fellowship applications useful. A  second webinar on the same theme was conducted in Spanish in 2017. In 2021, SCAR Fellowship webinars were held for  Portuguese speakers and  German speakers. You may also find the answers to any questions on  the FAQs page.

Required Documents:

The  application pack contains the guidance and forms needed to apply for a SCAR Fellowship (full details are given further down this page).

  • Research Proposal (with relevant appendices);
  • Home Institute Reference;
  • Host Institute Agreement;
  • Guidance on Elements of the Application;
  • Guidance on the Evaluation Process.
Apply Here
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