Research Fellowship

Scholars of post-doctoral or professorial level from the historical humanities are invited to apply for the research scholarships by the GHS, independent of their nationality or place of work. The funding is granted to candidates wishing to carry out an independent research project alone. Post-doctoral scientists receive a scholarship base amount of EUR 2,000 each month, the grant for scientists with a post-doctoral lecture qualification is worth EUR 2,700. There are additional benefits, such as allowances for accompanying children or, i.e., to cover printing costs, if necessary. Please note that income from employment and scholarship income are mutually exclusive. The funding period ranges from 1 to 24 months.

Eligibility Criteria

scholars of post-doctoral or professorial level from the historical humanities wishing to carry out an independent research project alone. Research projects from the following subjects are given funding priority:

  • Archaeology

  • Historical Sciences

  • Historical Islamic Studies

  • History of Art

  • History of Law

  • Prehistory and Early History

  • History of Science

Academic Requirements doctorate or post-doctoral lecture qualification in the field of historical humanities

Offered Benefits

  • scholarship base amount per month: EUR 2,000 for post-doctoral researchers and EUR 2,700 for researchers with a post-doctoral lecture qualification

  • standard foreign residence allowance: EUR 675 per month

  • travel allowance: as required

  • material costs: as required

  • contribution to printing costs, if necessary

  • child allowance, if applicable: EUR 300 for scholars with 1 child, EUR 400 for 2 children, EUR 500 for 3 or more children

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