At QuoteWizard, we are dedicated to preventing accidents by reducing the number of distracted drivers on the road. Since a large percentage of the drivers affected by distracted driving are young people, we thought it made sense to engage young people to come up with ideas to reduce distracted driving.
Students we want to hear from you! Help us fight the epidemic of distracted driving.
Enter for a chance at winning a $1,000 scholarship.
Offered Benefits
A single winner who demonstrates the most creative campaign to encourage safe driving, will be chosen by an internal panel of insurance experts and awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
Application Process
Tell us in an essay, or whichever medium you prefer, how you will build a creative social awareness campaign to reduce distracted driving.
First, please submit the items below:
- Name
- City
- Age
- School
- Major
- Email
- Phone
- Car Make, Model, Year
- Do you commute to school? If so, how far?
Build a social awareness campaign to reduce distracted driving by addressing the following:
- Name: Choose a creative campaign name.
- Problem: Address a specific problem related to distracted driving and how it affects you and others in your community.
- Solution: Come up with a creative solution to the problem and describe how you will raise awareness about this solution.