Authors interested in writing imaginable books are cordially invited to participate in the competition to win the Puchi Awards 2022. La Casa Encendida and Fulgencio Pimentel are pleased to present the sixth Puchi Awards.
Students that work on literary and graphic projects of any kind that stand out by their promise, literary and graphic quality, originality, unconventionally, or mold shatter conception are eligible to participate in this competition. Authors of legal age from Spain or other countries will be considered for this €8,000 award.
- Award
- Application Process
- Clarity of Information
Amazing opportunity for applicants in Spain.Puchi Award is a publishing book project called open worldwide and held by La Casa Encendida and Fulgencio Pimentel. La Casa Encendida is a social and cultural center in central Madrid that started operations in December 2002.
La Casa Encendida belongs to the Fundación Montemadrid, a social responsibility entity set up by the Spanish bank Caja Madrid. The name La Casa Encendida is taken from the eponymous book of the poet Luis Rosales Camacho, whose heirs gave their permission for its use.