Piping Design Engineering Training for Course

  •  Course
  •  31-Mar-2018
  •   India
  • $$  Scholarship Discount for Piping Design Engineering Training

Following are details for availing Scholarship Discount through competitive test:

A) Who can avail discount : A candidate passed in the Academic year 2016 & 2017. Or a candidate unemployed for more than 2 Months.(Note candidate need to submit the relevant documents to write the test)

B) Rate Scholarship Discount : Candidate is eligible to get Discount up to 10 to 15 %

C) Topic for Test : Candidates will be given a Scholarship test on Basic Engineering.

D) When & Where : Candidates will be given a Test on the day of registration in our Bangalore Head Office

E) Who is not eligible for Discount : Candidates perusing training through Online & Distance Education are not eligible for Scholarship Discount

Eligibility Criteria

Who can avail discount : A candidate passed in the Academic year 2016 & 2017. Or a candidate unemployed for more than 2 Months.(Note candidate need to submit the relevant documents to write the test)

Offered Benefits

Rate Scholarship Discount : Candidate is eligible to get Discount up to 10 to 15 %

Application Process

Candidates perusing training through Online & Distance Education are not eligible for Scholarship Discount

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