Pinnacol Foundation Scholarship Program for Bachelor

Our scholarship program ensures that the children of seriously injured and killed Colorado workers have the opportunity to pursue their dreams by continuing their education.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be the natural child, adopted child, stepchild or full dependent of a worker who was injured or killed in a compensable work-related accident during the course and scope of employment with a Colorado-based employer and was entitled to receive benefits under the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act. It doesn’t matter which insurance company covered the parent’s workers’ compensation claim. The applicant must be between the ages of 16 and 25 at the time of the application deadline, have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, have a high school diploma or GED, or be a high school senior.

Offered Benefits

Award is renewable.

Doesn’t have to be repaid.

No specific school needs to be attended.

It may be used for four-year, two-year or trade programs at accredited colleges, universities, community colleges and vocational schools. They average $4,500 per student per year, and may only be used for the costs of attending school.

Application Process

Applications must be submitted through the Pinnacol Foundation online application system. Applications are accepted at

Apply Here
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