PhD Scholarships - Nonlinear Dynamics of Lasers

  •  Phd
  •  20-May-2017
  •   Australia
  • $$  100% tuition fee

We are seeking PhD candidates in the research of nonlinear laser systems with complex dynamics. Such systems are of emerging technological relevance in, for example, random number generation, ranging systems including for autonomous vehicles, biophotonics, and secure communications. We use big data and complexity measure approaches to build understanding of experimental, complex laser systems over large, multi-dimensional parameter spaces. This allows complete knowledge of the diversity of outputs that can be achieved from a single such system, including extreme events. Projects can be a tailored combination of design and construction of nonlinear laser systems, application of cutting-edge experimental measurements on the system, nonlinear dynamics, and high-end data analysis and handling.

Eligibility Criteria

Master of Research with 10 months project or equivalent.

Offered Benefits

PhD scholarships that can support potential candidates cover the national/international fees (International: 32,000 AUD/yr), and provide an annual stipend of ~26,600 AUD. The PhD candidature is supported with up to 15,000 AUD for travel and/or research costs over the full period of enrolment.

Application Process

To inquire about applying please email a CV. Label the Subject of your email as "PhD Application Inquiry" to

Professor Deb Kane

Apply Here
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