PhD International Scholarships in Dissertation Writing

  •  PhD
  •  Applications received after 25th June 2022 will not be accepted.
  •   China
  • $$  1200 Euros

In its attempts to actively promote doctoral training by funding mobility grants and hosting the awardees, the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China(CEFC) has established the PhD Scholarship fieldwork research or dissertation writing in China or Hong Kong for the academic year 2022-2023.

This scholarship is offered by the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) to doctoral students from the EU or outside the EU enrolled in doctoral training at a French or EU university in the field of social sciences and humanities. The scholarship award will help the selected students secure a sum of 1200 Euros.

  • Award
  • Application Process
  • Clarity of Information


Worthy offer to get financial assistance in China or Hong Kong.The French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) is a publicly funded research institute, part of the network of the 27 French research centers abroad supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the CNRS.

Why should you apply for this programme? The Centre is based in Hong Kong, with a branch office in Taipei since 1994 and in Beijing since 2014, as well as individual researchers based in mainland China after its establishment in 1991. The CEFC is jointly funded by the French Foreign Ministry and National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), with a mission to study the political, economic, social, and cultural developments in Greater China.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: All EU national students are eligible to apply.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: PhD programmes offered at any desired French or EU university can be applied for.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants must be nationals of a member state of the European Union (EU) or doctoral students from outside the EU enrolled in doctoral training at a French or EU university in a field of social sciences and humanities.
  • The applicants must reside in China or Hong Kong for the duration of their attachment to the CEFC.
  • The applicants must submit a research project that fits into the CEFC’s scientific mission, which consists of studying the political, economic, social, and cultural changes in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

Offered Benefits

The selected students will be provided this scholarship for a period of 3 months renewable comprising a monthly stipend of 1200 Euros.

Application Process

  • How to Apply: The students first need to apply for admission to the university or college they wish to join. Then, applicants interested to apply for the scholarship must send the supporting documents in a single PDF file by email to Pierre Miège and Henry Wu .
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • A research project (5 pages maximum, bibliography excluded, Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 line spacing)
  • A detailed CV
  • A cover letter
  • Proof of residency in China or Hong Kong
  • Admission Requirements: The applicants are required to have et the academic as well as entry requirements of the university or college they wish to join.
  • Language Requirement: The students must meet the language proficiency requirements of their designated university or college.
Apply Here
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