PhD in Multi Modal Sensor Systems for Enviromental Exploration

The Earth functions as a system with multiple feedbacks, environment and development challenges are intricately interlinked, and social and economic sectors interlink with environmental issues in various ways.

The Research School on Multi-Modal Sensor Systems for Environmental Exploration (MOSES) addresses the ever more significant problem of scientifically and technologically exploring and monitoring environments to provide scientists with deeper insights and better understanding of the "System Earth" and to provide politicians and decision makers with more sophisticated information. Against this background MOSES offers extensive research opportunities in all aspects of sensors, multi-sensor systems, data processing, data fusion, simulation and optimisation of complex sensor systems, and visualisation with applications in practically any scientific and technical field.

Research topics for doctoral theses come from the following fields:

  • Optical and non-optical imaging sensors (microwave, acoustic, Synthetic Aperture Radar, X-ray imaging devices), micro sensors
  • 3D/2D Imaging with Photonic Mixer Device (PMD) based camera systems and image processing
  • In-situ Exploration: Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Positioning and navigation, GNSS
  • TeraHertz imaging and sensing
  • Systems engineering, embedded systems, System on Programmable Chip Technology
  • Sensor signal processing, information mining, compressive sensing and data fusion
  • Exploration systems, remote sensing: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signal processing, SAR interferometry, bistatic SAR
  • Visualisation of complex data in real-time, computer graphics

Eligibility Criteria

  • Excellent Master or Diploma degree in Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Computational Engineering, Computer Engineering
  • Excellent Master or Diploma degrees in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry may be elected, depending on study focus and individual educational background of applicant
  • Excellent Bachelor degree holders can be elected, depending on quality of degree, educational background and study focus, but require additional qualifications which can be acquired in parallel by attending additional courses and passing the corresponding examination.
  • High Quality English language proficiency (Toefl Test)

Offered Benefits

A scholarship of about 950 - 1,365 EUR per month will be awarded (for three years).

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