Remove the economic hurdles that stand on your way of education. Apply for the Pathway to Victoria Scholarships at Bendigo Kangan Institute and support your study in Australia.
The scholarships are aimed at providing financial assistance to international students to enable them to achieve their goals. The Pathway to Victoria Scholarship has been made possible by funding from the Victorian Government through Study Melbourne. It is available to new commencing international students with a packaged offer letter.
- Award
- Application Process
- Clarity of Information
A fine programme for applicants in Australia.Kangan Institute is a TAFE provider in Melbourne, Australia. Kangan Institute was established as the Broadmeadows College of TAFE on 28 February 1986, when it was formally opened by Prime Minister Bob Hawke. In August 1995, the institution was renamed the Kangan Institute of TAFE in honor of Myer Kangan, the founder of the TAFE system in Australia.
Why study at Bendigo Kangan Institute? Here, the employment center connects students with genuine employment opportunities in their chosen field. It also offers students a range of free support services, including resume assistance, job search advice, and coaching on how to approach prospective employers.