Spend less time worrying about finances and focus on your education. Deciding to study at an Australian top-rank university is an investment in your future. Victoria University chose to establish the Pathway to Victoria Scholarship, made eventually by funding from the Victorian Government care of Study Melbourne.
Harvard PhD Scholarships for Intern... Harvard PhD Scholarships for International Students AdvertisementThe Pathway Scholarship is obtainable to a limited number of newly commencing international students beginning a pathway course at the bachelor or master level of study overseas before setting out their main course at Victoria University in Melbourne.
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Pathway to Victoria funding for International Students in Australia
AdvertisementNice offer for students to study in Australia.Victoria University (VU) in Melbourne provides a range of world-class courses to worldwide students, which can be commenced via online, real-time classes in their home country if travel restrictions are in place.
Why study at Victoria University? VU ranks in the top 3% of worldwide universities in Australia. Victoria University (VU) offers superlative qualifications and a range of externally-funded and university-funded awards to support students.