PAIS Departmental Scholarship, University of Warwick

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  28-Apr-2017
  •   United Kingdom, United States
  • $$  Partially Funded

University of Warwick is inviting applications for PAIS departmental scholarship for MA/Diploma study

Candidates may apply concurrently to other funding sources; however, successful candidates who receive major tuition funding elsewhere (eg, the Warwick International Office scholarship) will be disqualified.

Each application will be judged on the following merits:

Outstanding academic performance (70%) Outstanding case for support (30%)

Please note that this is not a needs-based scholarship, so your financial situation will not be taken into account.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to applicants on all PAIS taught MA programmes, including the Double Degrees (Warwick year only).
  • Candidates must apply to the university and have paid their application fee no later no later than 28 April 2017. You must submit your application to the MA programme before submitting your scholarship application.
  • Candidates must apply for the scholarship no later than 28 April 2017.
  • All supporting documentation for the university application, including your reference, must be received no later than 12 May 2017.
  • Successful candidates must obtain an offer from the university before taking up the award.
  • Candidates may apply concurrently to other funding sources; however, successful candidates who receive major tuition funding elsewhere will be disqualified.

Offered Benefits

PAIS is delighted to confirm that 8 scholarships are available for students commencing MA study in Autumn 2017. The award will automatically be deducted from the winners' tuition fees. The awards will be allocated as follows: Four £5000 awards for Home or EU candidates. Four £10,000 awards for Overseas candidates. Part-time candidates will be considered; successful part-time awards will be distributed evenly across both years of study (eg, £2500 in each year for a Home candidate).

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