Omega Psi Phi Scholarships for Bachelor

  •  Bachelor
  •  May 1st of every year. (Announce all recipients by June 1st of every year.)
  •   Georgia
  • $$  $5,000 each

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is accepting applications for its annual program funded by the Omega Life Membership Foundation, Inc.

The awards are open to recognize undergraduate students nationally and globally, and support their academic education to get success at all levels.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: Georgia as well as other nationalities
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: The program is available for undergraduate study in any subject
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:
  • Fraternity members should be in good standing and financial at the International, District and Chapter level to be qualified to receive an award.
  • An applicant may only compete for one award at the global level.

International Scholar of the Year:

  • An undergraduate candidate not only for his academic excellence but also for his overall involvement in the Fraternity, along with his offerings to the advancement of this organization.

District Scholar of the Year:

  • An undergraduate Brother who is of sophomore standing or above Enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited collegiate institution
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • In good standing with the collegiate institution, 4) A cumulative grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale required.

Founder’s Memorial Scholarship:

  • An undergraduate Brother who is of sophomore or junior right standing or a Brother who is of graduate or professional school standing,
  • Enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited collegiate institution or registered full-time in an accredited graduate or professional school,
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • In good standing with the collegiate institution or the graduate or professional school and have at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 as defined on a 4.0 scale.

Grand Basileus Award:

  • An undergraduate Brother who is of senior standing,
  • Graduating during the spring or summer semesters of the application year,
  • Enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited collegiate institution,
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • In good standing with the collegiate institution,
  • Have at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale.

Dr Ronald McNair Scientific Achievement Award:

  • An undergraduate Brother who is of sophomore standing or above,
  • Enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited collegiate institution,
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • In good standing with the collegiate institution,
  • Have at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 as on a 4.0 scale Seeking an undergraduate degree in STEM areas, such as but not limited to Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Maths, Engineering.

Dr Herman Dreer Scholarship/Leadership Award:

  • Be an undergraduate Brother who is of sophomore standing or above,
  • Be enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited collegiate institution,
  • Be in good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • Be in good standing with the collegiate institution,
  • Have at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

George E. Meares Award:

  • Joined full-time in an accredited graduate or professional school in good standup with the graduate or professional school pursuing a graduate degree in one of the following areas: Social Work, Social Sciences or Criminal Justice.
  1. Carl Moultrie I Legal Scholar Award:
  • A Graduate Brother joined full-time Juris Doctor or equivalent degree in an accredited school of law. In good academic standing with the institution,
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • Have demonstrated service to the Fraternity during the year of application.

Dr W. Montague Cobb Medical Scholar Award:

  • A Graduate Brother joined full-time in an accredited school of medicine or dentistry, pursuing a Doctoral degree (not residency) in good academic standing with the institution,
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • Have demonstrated service to the Fraternity during the year of application.

Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarship Grant:

  • An undergraduate Brother who is of sophomore standing or above, or
  • A Brother who is of graduate or professional school standing,
  • Be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate or graduate in a four-year accredited collegiate institution or an accredited graduate or professional school,
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • In good standing with the collegiate institution,
  • Have at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 as defined on a 4.0 scale

William H. Hastie Creative Research Fellowship:

  • An undergraduate Brother who is of senior standing or a graduate Brother who is of graduate or professional school standing or a Brother actively engaged in transformative research in their respective careers,
  • Enrolled full-time in a four-year accredited collegiate institution or an accredited graduate or professional school,
  • In good standing with the collegiate institution or graduate school or professional school,
  • In good financial standing at all levels of the fraternity (International/District/Chapter),
  • Able to produce evidence of work in progress and a synopsis explaining the active work or research being undertaken, 6) Seeking assistance with said projects in any discipline.

Dr Moses C. Norman Education Award:

  • An undergraduate Brother who is of at least junior standing or above, or
  • A Brother who is of graduate school standing,
  • Be registered full-time as an undergraduate or graduate in a four-year accredited collegiate institution or an accredited graduate school,
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter),
  • In good standing with the collegiate institution,
  • Have demonstrated service to the Fraternity during the year of application.
  • An Undergraduate Brother must have at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 as defined on a 4.0 scale.
  • A Graduate Brother must have at least a cumulative GPA average of 3.4 as specified on a 4.0 level.

Dr Benjamin Mays Divinity Award:

  • Enrolled full-time in an accredited graduate school for divinity,
  • In good standing with the graduate or professional school,
  • Seeking a graduate degree in divinity or religious studies.
  • Have demonstrated service to the Fraternity during the year of application.
  • In good financial standing at all levels (International/District/Chapter).

Offered Benefits

The winner of the award will get up to $5,000 in expenses that including travel, lodging, and registration fees. The Omega Life Membership Foundation, Inc. is offering twelve awards as the following:

  • International Scholar of the Year: $5,000 and up to an additional $10,000
  • District Scholar of the Year: $5,000
  • Founder’s Memorial Scholarship: 3 awards of $5,000 each
  • Grand Basileus Award: $5000
  • Dr Ronald McNair Scientific Achievement Award: $5,000
  • Dr Herman Dreer Scholarship/Leadership Award: $5,000
  • George E. Meares Award: $5,000
  • Carl Moultrie I Legal Scholar Award: $5,000
  • W. Montague Cobb Medical Scholar Award: $5,000
  • Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarship Grant: 2 awards of $3000 each
  • William H. Hastie Creative Research Fellowship: $5,000
  • Dr Moses C. Norman Education Award: 2 prize of $5000 each
  • Dr Benjamin Mays Divinity Award: $5,000

Application Process

To Apply: Candidates must download the application form and submit to their respective District Scholarship Chairman.

  • Supporting Documents: Resume, typed application, official transcript, and three professional reference letters.
  • A colour photo in digital (.jpg) format: Only International scholarship recipients will be requested to provide a picture after award announcement in May.
  • All Applicants must submit three reference letters by mailed under separate cover directly to their District Scholarship Chair or sent by the applicant in a separate sealed envelope along with application packet.
  • For the Herman Dreer Award, aspirants must also submit a 500-word TYPED essay detailing leadership and humanitarian accomplishments. Label the article “HERMAN DREER LEADERSHIP ESSAY.”
  • Entry Requirements: Applicant will provide the name, title, mailing address and e-mail address of three individuals who will provide the professional reference letter.
  • Language Requirement: Students should have good command on the English language and a certificate to show their English proficiency.

Note: Each individual must submit all application packet materials to their District Scholarship Committee Chairman by their respective district’s published deadline.

Apply Here
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