All scholarships provided by Nyenrode Fund and/or Nyenrode Business Universiteit are revolving. That means that by accepting the scholarship, the winning student also accepts the moral (not legal) obligation to make a new scholarship available by becoming a donor of the Nyenrode Fund in years following graduation. The winner will be asked to sign a document in which he/she acknowledges that his/her study at Nyenrode was made possible through the gifts of the Nyenrode alumni and morally commits him/herself to offer that same opportunity to a future student. The scholarships “revolve” and remain durable and sustainable and the connection between the generations of the alumni gets yet another, very practical and relevant aspect.
Obligations of the winner Besides being expected with time to become a donor to the Nyenrode Fund and sponsor a scholarship, the winners of the revolving scholarships are expected to: Commit to the revolving scholarship idea by signing the revolving scholarship agreement Take active part in student and extracurricular activities organized by Nyenrode Business University and Nyenrode Fund. Act as Ambassadors for Nyenrode and Nyenrode Revolving Scholarships Program when and wherever possible both during and after completion of the study, assisting in fundraising, promotion of Nyenrode and recruitment of students (eg., stay involved in the selection of the future recipients of the revolving scholarships, eventually together with the original donors). Upon graduation and subsequent departure from campus, will provide Nyenrode Fund with regular updates on his/her current address. In order to continue the Nyenrode traditions, encourage participation in the activities of the Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre (NCV) which forms an integral part of the “Nyenrode experience” and strengthen the bonds with fellow Nyenrode students and alumni, the winner of the revolving scholarship will live on campus during the study at Nyenrode.