New Zealand Winston Churchill Memorial Trust for Fellowship

The Trust Board invites New Zealanders from all sectors, regions, ethnicities and cultures to apply for a Fellowship. Applications based on research in the agriculture, science and technology sectors, and applicants from provincial New Zealand and smaller cities have not featured as much in recent funding rounds and would be welcomed. We would also welcome a wider ethnic diversity of applicants, including Maori, Pasifica.

Applicants should also consider the learning potential from cultures in the Pacific and Asia region as well as Europe, North America and the United Kingdom when developing proposals and planning itineraries.

The year 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Sir Winston Churchill and the establishment of the Trust. Since 1965, over 800 Fellowships and learning opportunities have been awarded to New Zealanders. The Trust is now launching its next 50 years and is reaching out to Fellows and members of the public for support to raise its profile and increase the capital base. Support will ensure the Trust can continue giving ordinary New Zealanders extraordinary opportunities for the next 50 years.

Eligibility Criteria

All New Zealanders, either citizens or people normally resident in New Zealand, may apply for a fellowship.

Offered Benefits

While consideration will be given for Fellowships of up to $10,000, the average is from $5000 to $7000.

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