National Institute of Health and Nutrition Fellowship Program for Asian Researchers in Japan, 2017-2018 for Phd

  •  Phd
  •  06-Jan-2017
  •   Japan

Applications are invited for NIHN Fellowship Program for Asian Researchers for 2017-2018 academic year. Asian researchers (Non-Japanese citizens) are eligible to apply for these fellowships.

It aims to support the acquisition and improvement by of knowledge and skills related to health and nutrition of young foreign researchers who are eligible to apply, through working with host researchers at the NIHN.

The National Institute of Health and Nutrition was first founded in 1920 as the Nutrition Institute of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Since its establishment, it has been making numerous contributions to improving nutrition and dietary habit and to advance the knowledge of health and nutrition science for the public.

Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

  • Eligible applicants should fulfil at least one of the requirements below, with sufficient communication skill in Japanese or English. S/he should be aged 39 years or less (as of April 1, 2016):
  • The non-Japanese citizen who is studying /working outside Japan at a university, research institute, or other institutes in the health and nutrition field, and has a doctorate degree or research capabilities at least equivalent to a doctorate degree holder.
  • A medical doctor, a dentist, a nurse, a dietician, a pharmacist, or a government officer who has sufficient research capabilities and has been nominated by the principal of his/her institute for outstanding achievement.
  • Those who the Director General of the NIBIOHN seems to admit.

Offered Benefits

Coverage of Expenses

  • Travel expenses: Round-trip economy class air tickets, from the international airport nearest to the selected fellows’ institute to Narita Airport, or Haneda Airport, at the lowest available cost, is provided. Also, the transportation fee (e,g, limousine bus) between Narita Airport (or Haneda Airport) and the NIHN will be paid in cash (Japanese yen) after arrival and before leaving Japan.
  • Stipends: The NIOBHN will provide 100,000 Japanese yen per month to each fellow as stipends, which include commuting costs (between the NIHN and the fellow’s apartment), meals and petty expenses. The NIBIOHN will arrange accommodation to each fellow. Rent, including utility bills such as heating, electricity and water charges, is directly paid to the accommodation agent. Any additional costs such as telephone or internet services will be borne by each fellow.
  • Overseas Travel Insurance: The NIOBHN will pay for overseas travel accident and sickness insurance during the period of the fellowship.
  • Research Expenses: The NIBIOHN shall provide research expenses in accordance with the period of the fellowship, as in the table below. These will be provided as research necessities demand and may include domestic travel expenses.

Period: 3 months

Amount: 100,000 yen.

Application Process

Fellowships should be sent via e-mail and also by post. Materials to be submitted

  • Applications for Fellowship (from I -1) *Personal Statement and Record of Employment should be attached.
  • Letters of reference/recommendation from the head of the applicant’s affiliation (not from his/her prospective host researcher in Japan) (from I -2)
  • Medical/ Immunization Document Form (form I -3)
Apply Here
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