NAHSSS Allied Health Undergraduate (Entry Level) Scholarships in Australia for Bachelor

The Commonwealth Department of Health is offering NAHSSS Allied Health Undergraduate (Entry Level) Scholarships for Australian students. These scholarships are open to students enrolled or intending to enrol in an eligible course.

The Australian Government aims to consolidate and build on workforce programs to ensure they better align with, and are able to respond to the needs of health professionals to train and practice, particularly in clinical areas and locations of particular need.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants will be assessed against the following criteria and the applicants that meet the following eligibility criteria have an equal opportunity to receive a scholarship under this scholarship stream.

  • An Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia. Enrolled, intending to enrol or have applied to enrol as a full-time or part-time student in an accredited/approved Australian undergraduate or entry – level allied health course.
  • Not in receipt of another scholarship or bursary funded by the Australian Department of Health. The only exception being the NAHSSS Allied Health Clinical Placement Scholarship also administered by SARRAH.
  • Applicants must currently live, or have resided in a defined Australian rural area classification of 2 to 5 for a minimum of 5 consecutive or 8 cumulative years from the age of five. Rural Residency is assessed from home address, so for boarding school and university students, the principal home address is the place where you would normally reside (i.e. parental address) if you were not attending school or university. If your parents are separated or divorced, it will be the address of the parent with whom you live with for the majority of each calendar year. Where you have had more than one principal home address during a year, the location where you resided for most of the time, as calculated in months, will be the home address for that year.

Offered Benefits

There will be only one scholarship round offered in the 2017 calendar year.

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