Candidates are invited to apply for the Interdisciplinary MRes+PhD International Studentships in Nano at the University of Cambridge, announced through Cambridge Network. Studentships are available for the scholarship year 2023-2024.
US Government Scholarship Humphrey ... US Government Scholarship Humphrey Fellowship AdvertisementThe studentship is open to all international and domestic students who undertake the MRes+ PhD degree study in Chemistry, Physics, Materials, and Engineering at the Department of Physics. Selection will be based on written applications, qualifications, aspirations, and experience. The studentship award is said to cover tuition fees and provide a maintenance allowance.
- Award
- Application Process
- Clarity of Information
AdvertisementWonderful opportunity for overseas students in the UK.Cambridge Network is a membership organization bringing people together through networking, learning, recruitment, and events. It connects and supports businesses, sparking collaboration within its vibrant network of over a thousand members. The organization is deliberately mixing sectors and ideas.
The Cambridge Network connects people from business and academia so that they can meet and share ideas, encourage collaboration, network, and partner up for shared success. Ideas generated by the Cambridge Network have changed and will continue to change the world. The only mission of the organization is to encourage collaboration for shared success.