Maria Leptin | EMBO Science Journalism Fellowships

  •  Fellowship
  •  01-Jun-2024
  •   Worldwide
  • $$  Fellowship to support career development in science journalism

European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) is offering Maria Leptin | EMBO Science Journalism Fellowships for the academic session 2024/2025.

Successful applicants receive a  stipend, the amount of which depends on the cost of living in the country and the number of days the scholarship holders spend pursuing the activity for which they have applied.The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) is a professional organization that supports life sciences and scientific research across Europe and beyond. Established in 1964, EMBO promotes excellence in the life sciences by fostering talented researchers, facilitating scientific exchange, and disseminating knowledge. It offers fellowships, courses, conferences, and initiatives aimed at advancing scientific careers and collaboration. EMBO’s activities also include the publication of high-impact scientific journals and the provision of valuable networking opportunities for scientists at various stages of their careers.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: All countries
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: The scholarship will be awarded in any subject related to science journalism.
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
    • Applicants must be life scientists seeking a career in science journalism or existing science journalists aiming to enhance their scientific education.
    • Applicants should submit a maximum two-page proposal in English explaining how the fellowship will be used for career development in science journalism, including specific content goals and potential internships or stays at research institutes.
    • Applicants must provide a curriculum vitae in English.
    • Applicants must submit journalistic samples of their published work, which may be in any language.
    • Confirmation from editorial offices or research institutes is not required at the time of application but must be submitted by successful applicants.
    • Selected applicants may be invited for a Zoom interview.
    • Successful applicants must arrange their own internships and residencies.
    • Applications must be completed without external assistance or the use of AI tools.

Offered Benefits

  • The fellowship provides financial support for internships and residencies that contribute to the professional development of science journalists and life scientists transitioning into science journalism.
  • Fellows will gain hands-on experience and access to scientific research environments to enhance their journalistic skills and scientific understanding.

For more information, contact Tilmann Kießling, Interim Manager at EMBO, via email at or phone at +49 160 9019 3839.

Application Process

  • Applicants must submit their applications via the EMBO application portal. Only fully uploaded applications will be considered.
  • Applications can be submitted at any time and will be reviewed three times a year, with deadlines on 1 February, 1 June, and 1 October. All applicants will be notified no later than four weeks after the respective selection deadline.
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