Mandela Scholarship Fund for Master

Leiden University founded the Mandela Scholarship Fund to give South African (post-) graduate students the opportunity to study at Leiden University for a maximum period of one academic year. Students who wish to follow a two year Master´s programme will have to cover the expenses for the second year themselves. The Ambassador of South Africa in the Netherlands and the Rector Magnifi cus of Leiden University will administer the Fund.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be:

  • Permanent residents of South Africa
  • Enrolled at a South African University
  • Accepted for a semester program at Leiden University as an exchange or Study Abroad student
  • Willing to upgrade or extend their knowledge in order to make a contribution towards the development of South Africa
  • Committed to returning to their country after their study period at Leiden University

Offered Benefits

Exchange students

  • International travel costs: €1000

  • Living allowance : €800 per month (max. 5 months)

  • Insurance: will be sponsored by AON Student Insurance and arranged by Student and Educational Affairs

Study Abroad Students

  • Tuition fee: actual fee
  • International travel costs: €1000
  • Living allowance: €800 per month (max. 5 months)
  • Insurance: will be sponsored by AON Student Insurance and arranged by Student and Educational Affairs
Apply Here
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