Luftia Rabbani Foundation - Travel scholarship for Phd

The travel scholarship is destined for students and/or professionals seeking professional contact and experience in the Arab World or the Netherlands in the areas of education, science and culture. The objective of the scholarship is to promote mutual understanding between the Netherlands and the Arab World.


No support will be provided retroactively, i.e. to expenses linked to travel that has already taken place.

The scholarship is valid only in the year during which it is awarded.

Applications should be submitted at least 2 months prior to the departure date

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates who are Arab students and/or professionals should be inhabitants of a country part of theArab League or have an Arab nationality. Candidates who are Dutch students and/or professionals should have Dutch nationality.
  • The scholarship is open to Arab and Dutch students and/or professionals who have a clear academic and/or professional motivation in the areas of education, science and culture to travel to the Arab world or the Netherlands.

Offered Benefits

Fees specifically linked to the travel The Foundation’s travel scholarship only covers the expenses of the proposed and approved budget.

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