London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE PhD Studentships 2017

The School is offering 64 full scholarships for new PhD students. The scholarships cover fees and living expenses of £18,000 each year for four years. They are available for Home UK/EU and Overseas students undertaking full time research in any LSE discipline, with annual renewal subject to satisfactory academic performance at the School. Studentships will be awarded on academic merit and research potential.

Each academic department will be allowed to nominate a limited number of candidates for the awards. Award decisions will be made by a Panel representing different academic disciplines within the School. The awards will be made solely on outstanding academic merit and research potential. This relates not only to your past academic record, but also to an assessment of your chosen topic and to your likely aptitude to complete a PhD in the time allocated.

The studentships include a requirement that scholars contribute to their academic department as part of their research training, in the form of providing teaching or other work in their department, usually from year two onwards.

There is no separate application form for these awards. The selection of students for these awards will be based on the PhD application to the School. There will be three rounds of studentship selection, with a deadline attached to each round. Application deadlines are as follows:

14 December 2016 (Department of Economics only) 9 January 2017 (including consideration for ESRC funding)   26 April 2017

Departments may stipulate one or two deadlines for their applicants. You should check the departmental MPhil/PhD entries in the graduate prospectus for all departmental deadlines.

If you wish to be considered for an award, you must submit a complete application for a place on a PhD programme (including all supporting documentation such as references and transcripts) by the specified deadline.

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