Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) - Scholarships for international students

  •  Master, Grant, Contest
  •   Ukraine, United States
  • $$  Fully Funded

Grants, scholarships, and awards are fixed amounts of money provided on a competitive basis to people satisfying the scholarship’s, grant’s or award’s requirements.

Kyiv School of Economics manages competitions open to the general public, including KSE students (for example, the EERC grants competition) and may also hold competitions that are open to KSE students only.

Scholarships, grants, and awards, depending on their conditions and stipulations, may be used for tuition payment, housing support, research support (databases, etc.) or may be given in the form of a direct payment to the recipient. The KSE may also manage scholarships, grants or awards provided to KSE students by other institutions, if the scholarships, awards or grants are aimed at helping students cover their tuition and housing expenses.

KSE awards and grants are assigned by the Scholarship/ Award/ Grant committee. The recipient has the right to reject the scholarship/ award/ grant. A scholarship/ award/ grant may be revoked if the recipient fails to satisfy the scholarship/ award’s/ grant’s requirements during the scholarship/award/grant period.

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