The KOKUYO design award is an international product design competition that’s all about bringing together proposals for projects the future needs and giving them form.
The KOKUYO Award is a special award commemorating the 20th anniversary of the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD. It will be awarded to selected student entrants as a way to support their future work. KOKUYO’s Purpose is, “Bringing you a tomorrow you can’t wait for.” Following that concept, they will select up to 20 outstanding entries that, based on their presentation sheets, make us feel that their futures will be exciting.(without judging the models)
Through the process of thinking deeply about the tools people use in their everyday working, learning, and living scenes, the competition aims to give form to the possibilities of design and the power of products. Be sure to submit your design for the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD 2023.
Theme:The theme for the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD 2023 is “embrace.”This word carries meanings like “inclusion” and “hugging.” In that same vein, they are looking for product design proposals that make people feel cheerful and positive by accepting and acknowledging the differences between people and the challenges society is facing.