John Baros Scholarship in Music for Master

John Baros was born in the new Czech Republic and came to New Zealand in 1950. He died in 1965 and, following the death of his wife in 1997, a Scholarship was established in his memory.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to students under the age of 30 years at the time of application who are New Zealand citizens and have completed or will complete in the year of application any degree or diploma in performance (with or without Honours) or any postgraduate music degree in performance at the University of Auckland.
  • Preference will be given to a student or students intending to pursue studies in instrumental or vocal music in Czechoslovakia, or the USA, or a British Commonwealth country, in that order of preference.
  • Each candidate will be examined in performance. The time allowed for each examination will not normally exceed 20 minutes. Each candidate will be required to supply, one week in advance of the examination, an outline of his or her proposed study plans.
  • A Scholar shall be eligible to reapply for the Scholarship in the year following the award, but not hereafter.

Offered Benefits


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