Is internet addiction physical or behavioral?

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Course
  •  03-Oct-2018
  •   United States
  • $$  $300

You can discuss the impacts of excessive internet usage on both your activities and your behavior. Conclude your arguments after relating to your life.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be current university students or high school seniors entering university in the current calendar year. The applicantMust be U.S citizen or resident enrolled as a student in U.S.Must either be an incoming college freshman for the current academic semester or a current undergraduate of any accredited two or four-year college or university.Must be enrolled at an accredited U.S. university.Must be maintaining a CGPA of at least 2.50.

Offered Benefits

$300 Award.

Application Process

Students can use the following link to apply for the scholarship.

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