International Scholarships for Early-Career Researchers in Africa for Course

  •  Course
  •  15-Feb-2024
  •   Africa
  • $$  Lump-sum fund up to 3,500€

The Scientific Coordination Office (WKS) Bavaria-Africa, in collaboration with the Bavarian State Chancellery, is pleased to announce the “Scholarship for Early-Career Researchers for Research Stays in Africa.”

This scholarship program is designed to provide financial support to Early-Career Researchers, fostering collaboration in research and innovation between Bavaria and African countries. The initiative aims to bridge the funding gap between student programs and senior researcher funding schemes, offering participants the opportunity to initiate and conduct research in African countries while building international networks.

Application Deadline: The application deadline is February 15, 2024.

Eligibility Criteria

The scholarship is open to Early-Career Researchers (maximum age 35 at the time of application submission) of any nationality. Eligible applicants must be either enrolled in a Ph.D. program or working in a Post-Doc position at a public University or University of Applied Sciences located in Bavaria. The program welcomes applications from any discipline.

Offered Benefits

The scholarship funds a research stay in collaboration with an African institution for a maximum duration of one month. The lump-sum fund covers flight, accommodation, and living expenses, not exceeding 3,500€. The research stay must commence in the calendar year 2024. A short final report is mandatory after the stay, and selected recipients are invited to a kick-off event in April at the premises in Munich or Nuremberg.

Selection and Payment Procedure: Applications will be evaluated based on the quality of the research stay proposal. Results will be communicated by the end of March 2024, and upon grant signature, funds will be transferred to scholars’ accounts within two weeks.

Additional Information: Recipients are required to prepare a short final report after their stay. For inquiries and submissions, contact .

Application Process

Interested candidates are required to submit a two-part application. Part A includes an administrative cover letter, and Part B consists of the research stay proposal, including a detailed budget plan. All applications should be sent to .

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