The Istanbul Gelisim University has announced the international awards for students to offset the financial burden of studying abroad. The grants programme is open for the academic year starting 2021.
International students who have achieved exceptionally well high school graduation grades are offered scholarships to undertake an International Diploma or a free double major degree with the condition that their general score average is not less than 2.72 in the first year of higher education.
Istanbul Gelisim University is an English-Turkish non -profit private university in Istanbul that ranks 96th among the World’s Top 100 Universities. The main aim of the university is to inculcate the idea of sustainability to leave a better world for more students to come.
Why choose to study at Istanbul Gelisim University? Istanbul Gelisim University greatly contributes to the personal development of the students by offering opportunities for on-campus cultural and sporting activities. IGU is overall an excellent university that supports extracurricular activities equally. Students are given easy access to the study materials.
Application Deadline: Open