Merit-based scholarships are offered to qualified international applicants with outstanding academic achievement and test scores on the required entrance exams. These awards range from $10,000 to $25,000 per year and are renewable for up to four years. In some instances, additional help is provided through student loans and campus employment.
In addition, two full-tuition President’s International Student Scholarships are offered. These scholarships are awarded each year to two highly qualified international students in assessing their talents, interests and academic achievements. Each full-tuition scholarship is renewable for up to four years of study at Illinois Wesleyan University.
For international applicants seeking additional financial assistance, we highly recommend submitting the CSS Profile. The Profile provides a detailed analysis of each applicant's financial resources. Using this information, we can be “need sensitive” when considering ways to further assist our international students with Illinois Wesleyan University funded scholarships, loans and campus-employment opportunities.
The preferred deadline to submit the CSS Profile is April 1.