IED International Scholarships For Students of Fashion and Design (Istituto Europeo di Design)

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •   Australia, Brazil, China, Italy, Spain
  • $$  Not Funded

Istituto Europeo di Design – IED is the International Higher Educational Network in Design, Fashion, Visual Communication and Management of creative industries. It attracts students from over 90 different countries to its one and three year/four undergraduate, masters courses and advanced training. Through time, it has become a 100% Made in Italy international network of excellence, operating in the fields of training and research, in the disciplines of Design, Fashion, Visual Communication and Management.

Fields of study: Undergraduate and Masters Degree Courses in Fashion, Design, Visual Communication and Management. IED is a powerhouse of ideas that develops creativity through its range of:

undergraduate courses; masters courses; advanced training courses.

The school offers more than 500 courses (three/four-year undergraduate courses, master courses, one-year, summer and advanced training courses) in English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

In Italy, IED allows students to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree. Students that successfully complete the 3-year course are awarded the Diploma Accademico di I Livello, which is legally recognized by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) in the category of Higher Artistic Training.

In Spain, students that complete the 4-year course obtain a Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree that is legally recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

In Brazil, IED offers the Diploma Universitário, which can be obtained after a 3-year course in Fashion, Design and Visual Arts that is legally recognized by the MEC (Ministério da Educação e Cultura).

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility: Istituto Europeo di Design – IED offers schedule of contexts and opportunities for world young creatives to submit their projects and to get scholarships for undergraduate courses and scholarships for masters degree courses in Fashion, Design, Visual Communication and Management for studies in Milan, Rome, Turin, Florence, Cagliari, Venice, São Paulo, Madrid, and Barcelona.

Eligible groups: Open to all interested international students of any nationality.

The school attracts students from over 92 different countries: every year more than 1800 foreign students enroll in its courses, mainly coming from Europe, Central and South America and East Asia.

Offered Benefits

You can participate in creative contests sponsored by the smartest brands in order to:

Win a job. The brands promoting the contests are offering jobs in design and creative job areas; Win a Scholarship. The brands promoting the contests are offering scholarships for IED courses; Win money. The brands promoting the contests are offering prizes in cash; Win award. The brands that promoting the contests are offering awards for specific design fields; Win the possibility of developing an idea and creating a product. The brands promoting the contests are offering a chance to win the support for the realization of the entire project development cycle, from the concept to the product.

Every year, more than 200 firms partner in a variety of ways, both nationally and internationally, with the process of educating students at the Istituto Europeo di Design.

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