Heisenberg Programme / Heisenberg Professorship for Fellowship

Those who fulfil all the requirements for tenured professorships may apply for the DFG’s Heisenberg Programme. If you’re preparing for a future scientific leadership position and looking to boost your scientific reputation, we’ll help you to continue performing top-class research at a location of your choice.

The Heisenberg Programme is directed primarily at those researchers who have qualified for professorship via the Emmy Noether Programme, DFG staff positions, private-sector research or non-faculty academic positions. The target group also includes junior professors who have received positive evaluations, those who have achieved their habilitation or equivalent, and German researchers returning from abroad, as well as appropriately qualified foreign researchers looking to pursue careers in Germany.

November 2005 saw the launch of the Heisenberg professorships in addition to the Heisenberg fellowships. If you apply for a Heisenberg professorship, you will, in addition to a DFG review, also go through an appointment procedure at the admitting university. The admitting university must create the professor position and clarify the extent to which this position constitutes a structural development. The admitting university must also guarantee that, where permitted under state law, Heisenberg professors will be funded by the university budget once the five-year DFG funding period is over.

Eligibility Criteria

Young researchers of all disciplines who qualify for a professorship by holding a habilitation or equivalent qualification and who have proven themselves by carrying out particularly outstanding research

Proposal Requirements

High scientific quality and originality of a research project at an international level and the potential for gaining further qualifications as a university teacher

In addition to successfully taking part in the DFG's review process, applicants for a Heisenberg professorship must also participate in the host institution's professorial appointment process. The host university must create a position and indicate how this position constitutes a structural development. In addition, the university must guarantee that it will assume funding for the position from its own budget once the DFG's five-year funding period has expired, provided this is legally admissible in the respective state.

Offered Benefits

Basic fellowship plus monthly lump sum payment to cover maintenance and travel costs

Where applicable

  • Allowances towards stays abroad
  • Additional travel allowances
  • Publication costs
  • Day care allowance
  • Health insurance allowance

for a Heisenberg Professorship

  • W2 or W3 salary level
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