Graduate Women International (GWI) - fellowships and grants

  •  Phd, Grant, Contest
  •  01-Jan-1900
  •   Worldwide
  • $$  Partially Funded

The International Federation of University Women offers a number of international fellowships and grants to women graduates for postgraduate research, study and training.

Fellowships are for 8 to 12 months of work. They are intended to enhance the original research or scholarship on which a postgraduate applicant is already engaged. First year doctoral students and applicants just beginning their research are not eligible.

Grants are for a minimum of 2 months of work. They are awarded for specialised training, independent research, or to assist in the completion of a postgraduate degree.
All candidates must have obtained admission to the proposed place of study or research prior to applying to IFUW’s competition.

Eligibility Criteria

Students in any branch of learning may apply but their programme must demonstrate relevance to IFUW’s mission, aims and objectives.

Fellowships are offered for the second and subsequent years of a doctoral programme. Applicants are required to submit proof of completion of the first year of the programme by the time of the closing date for applications.

The awards may be used in any country other than the one in which the applicant was educated and other than the one in which the applicant habitually resides.

Offered Benefits

IFUW fellowships and grants are open free of charge to women PhD candidates only who are members of IFUW.

IFUW fellowships and grants are open to non-member PhD candidates only providing they pay an administration fee of CHF 50 for women in developing countries and CHF 100 for women in industrialised countries.

The awards offered vary and the amounts listed below are indicative only and may change in 2014. 16 to 25 fellowships and grants are offered in each competition.

Fellowships are the equivalent of 8,000 to 10,000 Swiss francs.

Grants are from 3,000 to 6,000 Swiss francs.

IFUW Recognition Awards are 1,000 Swiss francs.

Examples of awards offered in the recent competition include:
    British Federation Crosby Hall Fellowship – 2,500 pounds sterling
    CFUW/A. Vibert Douglas Fellowship – 12,000 Canadian dollars
    Ida Smedley MacLean Fellowship – 8,000 Swiss francs
    Winifred Cullis Grant – 5,000 Swiss francs
    Dorothy Leet Grant – 4,500 Swiss francs
    NZFGW Daphne Purves Grant – 4,000 Swiss francs
    IFUW Recognition Award – 1,000 Swiss francs

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