Graduate Programme (GradAB) for Fellowship

The focus is on economic and sociological research and its labor foundation with data of the IAB. The program provides comprehensive knowledge of theoretical and empirical analysis of labor market and the evaluation of labor market and social policy.

Eligibility Criteria

We expect excellent academic qualifications, an especial interest in and enthusiasm for issues of the labour market and occupational research, and personal qualities that promise success in completing the programme.

Preference will be given to dissertation proposals that would profit in a special way from being attached to IAB and from which IAB itself might profit in a special way. If the preparation of the project outline reveals the need for better knowledge of the IAB data resources there is the possibility to visit the IAB for conducting data research.

Offered Benefits

The scholarship is 1,000 Euros per month. In addition, a family allowance of 220 Euros per month can be drawn if your spouse does not undertake more than marginal part-time work/a self-employed activity (Section 8 SGB IV) or if he/she is a single parent with custody for at least one child. Moreover, each participant gets a budget of 1,200 Euros for conferences and external courses.

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