•  Phd, Grant
  •   Portugal, United Kingdom
  • $$  Fully Funded

The Fundação Oriente scholarships programme is one of the essential elements of the Fundação's activities in training. Its main goals are to motivate research into social science and literature related to the Far East; to promote scientific exchanges between Portuguese and Oriental universities and scientific groups; to promote the knowledge of and improvement in knowledge of the languages and cultures of Portugal and the Orient; to stimulate artistic improvement; to encourage training of management staff through scholarships which will allow Oriental students who show great potential but have limited financial means to attend degree courses; to grant access to vocational intermediate training courses for Oriental students of limited financial means.


The Fundação Oriente awards scholarships for doctorate degrees as well as research work on subjects connecting Far Eastern countries to Portugal both in the social and human sciences area and mainly on subjects related to the Museu do Oriente collections.


Scholarships are granted for a 12-month period. In exceptional cases, this may be extended for the same or shorter periods up to a maximum of 36 months.

Eligibility Criteria


Applications from students who have already received from another institution a scholarship for an identical purpose will not be accepted.

Offered Benefits


The scholarship holder is granted a monthly amount established every year by the Fundação. This amount varies according to the scholarship holder’s academic qualifications.
Travel expenses (return ticket) between the scholarship holder’s permanent place of residence and the destination country will be paid for by the Fundação Oriente.

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