Free Office Finder Business Scholarship

  •  Bachelor, Master
  •  31-Mar-2018
  •   United Kingdom, United States
  • $$  $1000

Free Office Finder have a deep and abiding interest in supporting new entrepreneurs and business owners, we like to do what we can to encourage for the generation coming up after us.

Our Scholarship is intended to assist promising young entrepreneurs who need financial assistance to secure the education and expertise that they'll need to found and run a great business venture of their own.

The Business Scholarship is open to any applicant who is currently pursuing a degree (undergraduate or postgraduate) at a recognised academic institution. The scholarship also provides additional funds for other skill development programs pertaining to entrepreneurship.

The scholarship is open to any student studying an Undergraduate or Masters degree at a university in the US or UK

Eligibility Criteria

Business Scholarship Eligibility

Any student attending a recognised academic institution in pursuit of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree can apply for the Business Scholarship. Full eligibility criteria include:

* Current enrolment in a recognised academic institution.

* A history of academic excellence as demonstrated by a letter of recommendation from a course co-ordinator or tutor.

* A professed desire to run your own business one day.

* A description of your personal circumstances which make your need for financial support clear.

* The Business Scholarship cannot be awarded multiple times; you cannot apply if you have already been a recipient.

Offered Benefits

Details of The Business Scholarship

Our Scholarship is distributed in bursaries of $1000 each (£798). We award up to 5 different applicants each year. The bursary can be applied to ordinary expenses incurred in the course of higher education. Examples include textbooks, course materials, and living expenses.

Application Process

Applications For The Business Scholarship

Multiple aspects of your application will be judged before awards are made. Assessments depend on the following criteria:

* A 500-word statement which makes it clear that you have an enthusiasm for studying and an intention to pursue a business career.

* The quality of the academic records and recommendation provided.

* Your individual need for financial support based on your circumstances, as described in your statement.

Scholarship Schedule

All applications for the Business Scholarship for the 2018/19 period must be received by March 31, 2018.

We will contact successful applicants and announce them no later than April 30, 2018.

The awards themselves will be made soon after the official announcement.

Want To Apply?

We've worked hard to make sure our Scholarship application process is no more complicated than it has to be. To apply, simply submit an email which includes the following:

* A letter of recommendation written by a course co-ordinator or tutor.

* Contact information (email address or telephone number) for you sponsor.

* A note showing off your latest grades and/or exam results from your current studies.

* A statement of no more than 500 words which explains why you are a good candidate for the Scholarship. Describe any circumstances which you feel are relevant and also how you intend to use the Scholarship funds if you receive an award.

Please send these details to and if you are successful we will be in touch.

For more information, please visit our scholarship page at

Apply Here
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