Folger Institute Research Long-term Fellowship

Long-term fellowships are supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a gift from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Folger’s own endowments.

Eligibility Criteria

What kinds of projects are eligible for fellowship support?

Folger fellowships support research that makes use of our collections of rare books, manuscripts, and art from and about the early modern period. Please take a look at the list of current fellows to see the types of projects that have been funded. You can find additional lists of past fellows on Folgerpedia.

Must I hold the PhD in order to apply?

Yes, applicants for both long- and short-term fellowships must have the PhD in hand at the time of application.

Do you consider applications to revise a dissertation for long-term fellowships?

Yes, we welcome submissions for first books, including revised dissertations.

Must I be a United States citizen to take up a fellowship?

Applicants for long-term NEH fellowships must either be US citizens or foreign nationals who have been in the US for the three years preceding application. All other fellowships are open to scholars of any nationality.

Offered Benefits

The stipend for long-term fellowships is $50,000 for a nine-month stay (prorated for fewer months).

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