First in Family

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd
  •  31-Dec-2017
  •   Worldwide
  • $$  $1000

Scholarship Details

Most college students have faced a multitude of challenges and detours to reach where they are today. This fact rings especially true for those who are first in their family to attend college. Becoming a first-generation college student is a tremendous honor. And StudySoup would like to reward the exceptional work that goes into overcoming this barrier. Therefore, we are offering a $1,000 scholarship this semester to one student who is looking for a leg-up in increasing their educational mobility. The winning student will be able to clearly demonstrate leadership qualities, commitment to their education, and a capacity to triumph over challenges.

Eligibility Criteria

Scholarship Eligibility

Any individual at least eighteen (18) years old who meets one of the following criteria:

Currently attending high school (or equivalent) and will be attending an accredited university or college in the next academic year.

Currently attending an accredited university or college (undergraduate and graduate students are both eligible)

Offered Benefits

Receive $1000

Application Process

Submit application and complete three short essay questions here:

Apply Here
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