The RFIEA Foundation is glad to announce the 10-month fellowships programme for researchers from all countries. The applications are open for the academic session 2022/2023.
There are 37 fellowship positions available 4 in Aix-Marseille, 3 in Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), 10 in Lyon, 3 in Montpellier, 4 in Nantes, and 13 in Paris.
- Award
- Application Process
- Clarity of Information
Nice offer for international students to receive an educational fund in France. Hurry up! Apply soon.The call is open to all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities (SSH), and all research fields. Research projects in other sciences and in arts that propose a strong interaction and dialogue with the SSH are also eligible.
The six French Institutes for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille, Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes and Paris teamed up to propose a unified and simplified entry point to their much-coveted scientific residencies.