Students’ Empowerment and Education Development (SEED) Scholarship is aimed at empowering and providing support to Nigerian university students, through provision of financial support for one full academic session, to enable them focus on learning and self-development. The project also offers an added mentorship programme in which the students will complete an Academic and Career Development Curriculum (FCMF-ACDC) designed to sustain excellent academic performance and imbibe career skills into the students.
The ACDC is delivered through a monthly three-hours mentorship session to a total of nine (9) mentorship sessions. This scholarship is implemented in partnership with, and sponsorship from, Human Appeal, United Kingdom.
Application Process
Required Documents:
The following documents are to be provided and uploaded during the application:
Student Identity Card (of institution)
Evidence of Current Studentship of Institution (ID Card, Biodata Form e.t.c)
Reference letter from a reputable Islamic Organization (Institution-based Students Organizations are not acceptable)
- Letter must be on letterheaded paper and be addressed to The Executive Director, First Class Muslim Foundation, Lagos, Nigeria.
- Letters should genuinely speak to the character of the applicants and should not be generic.
- Improperly addressed letters or generic letters will lead to disqualification.
Current result slip showing student CGPA with the signature and stamp of the HOD
A Personal Statement to convince panellists as to why they should consider you for the scholarship.
- Word limit for Personal Statement is 300.
- Font type is Century Gothic and font size is 12.
- Spacing should be 1.5.
- Full name should be written at the top of the document.
- The unethical use of AI tools to generate or significantly adjust/review personal statements is prohibited. All personal statements submitted will be tested and evaluated for plagiarism or AI-derivation. AI detection beyond 20% is not acceptable. Applicants who disregard this will be disqualified from current and any future opportunities from the foundation.