FAO Global AgriInno Challenge, Africa for Course

FAO Global AgriInno Challenge, Africa for Course
  •  Course
  •  24-Oct-2022
  •   Africa
  • $$  Varies

Global AgriInno Challenge 2021 aims to harness innovation, entrepreneurship and digital technologies to address challenges related to the transformation from rural villages into ‘Digital Villages’that contribute to the Four Betters: better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, while leaving no one behind.


Join us now, and you’ll have the chance to share information and enhance your knowledge on digital agriculture, innovation and start-up practices through a unique global network composed of United Nations’ mentors, leading angel investors, academic experts and youth agripreneurs/innovators from the global agri-food sector.

Adopting a bottom-up approach, Global AgriInno Challenge 2021 seeks to address challenges related to the transformation of rural villages into Digital Villages for the Four Betters and contribute directly to SDG 1 (No poverty), SDG 2 (Zero hunger), and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) as well as to supporting the achievement of the broader SDG agenda.  

Eligibility Criteria

The Global AgriInno Challenge 2021 is open to:


  • FAO staff practicing or exploring innovation, digital agriculture, digital solutions, and rural transformation;
  • All youth with digital innovations or ideas for agri-food sector.

Offered Benefits

The teams selected to attend the Hacking For Good and Pitch Event in China will benefit from:


  • 2-day professional development around your team’s solution through an approach of co-creation with other young agripreneurs/innovators and experienced experts worldwide. All related expenses for attending the Hacking For Good and pitch events in China will be covered, including a) travel expenses: round-trip flight and/or train; local transportation fee (taxi/bus/subway); b) accommodation and meals; c) visa application fees as applicable for international participants.  
  • The access to open data sets from FAO and other partners, such as the FAO Hand-in-Hand Geospatial Platform, FAO Digital Services Portfolio, Data Lab for Statistical Innovation, and the Earthmap, a Google Earth Engine based tool,
  • Advice from experienced experts from the UN, international organizations, the private sector and academia, and the chance to have a dialogue with high-level representatives from leading companies and organizations.
  • The chance to meet top angel investors from venture capital funds and business leaders in the agri-food sector who may invest in your solutions.
  • The chance to build your global network in digital agriculture with a multitude of stakeholders.
  • The top winning teams will receive seed funding.
  • The top winning teams will have the opportunity to join the Digital Agriculture Bootcamp (training, travel and accommodation covered).
  • Become an alumnus for Global AgriInno Challenge.

Application Process

The team leader needs to submit:

  • the application form;
  • the innovation solution presentation (in PPT format); and
  • a video to [email protected] and copying [email protected]
Apply Here
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