•  Phd
  •   Chile, Germany, United Kingdom
  • $$  Fully Funded

The European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere awards several studentship positions each year in both Germany and Chile. The goal of the ESO studentship program is to connect Ph.D. students and their advisors throughout the ESO community with the activities and people at one of the world's foremost observatories, and offers an invaluable training opportunity for the next generation of Astronomers and users of ESO facilities.

People at ESO are engaged as International Staff, Local Staff in Chile, Fellows, Associates or Students.

International staff members and Local Staff in Chile represent a wide spectrum of professions ranging from scientists to skilled engineers, technicians and administrative employees.

Fellows are young, post-doctoral scientists, recruited by the organisation in order to foster their scientific careers. ESO provides state-of-the-art facilities for astronomical observing and the possibility to obtain practical experience during the active pursuit of a research programme.

Associate members of the personnel work under short-term contracts with ESO to perform certain tasks in the field of scientific research, or for technical or administrative support.

Students (post-graduates) spend up to two years at ESO in the frame of the studentship programme. It aims at providing opportunities to enhance the post-graduate programme of ESO member-state universities. Studentships are available either at the ESO Headquarters in Garching or in Chile at the Vitacura Headquarters.

There are two annual application deadlines:  on May 15th and November 15th.

Eligibility Criteria

These positions are open to students enrolled in a university Ph.D. programme, preferentially but not necessarily in an ESO member state. Additionally, ESO will provide up to two studentship positions per year at ESO Santiago for students enrolled in Chilean universities.

Offered Benefits

1. Basic Stipend

Initial job grading is 52% of grade 6 step 0, i.e. about EURO 1.700/month and as of the 2nd year 58% of grade 6 step 0, i.e. about EURO 1.897/month. No cost of living differential (between Santiago de Chile and the lead town Munich) applies on the remuneration of Students with duty station in Chile.

2. Allowances

Family allowances:

Household allowance for members of the personnel who are married or who are entitled to children's allowance: EURO 184,33 per month. Children's allowance for each dependant child: EURO 277,25 per month. 3. Joining expenses

Newly appointed students are paid travel expenses for themselves and their families, as well as the cost of transporting up to 130 kg of luggage (and 30 kg for each dependent)by air freight from the airport of departure to the airport at destination.

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