EURECOM and the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance have joined forces to establish a new scholarship program for highly motivated students interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Intelligent Communication Systems.
The educational program is open to highly motivated students who want to pursue a Master of Science in Intelligent Communication systems and can demonstrate their interest in future intelligent networks (6G) and potential in Wireless Communications, Mobile Computing, Networking, Mobile Applications and Services, communication theory, Signal Processing, or network learning.EURECOM is a graduate school and research center in digital sciences based in the Sophia Antipolice technology park (French Riviera), a major European hub for telecommunications. It was established in 1991 as a consortium, allowing EURECOM to establish a vast network of prominent academic and industrial partners. The EURECOM collaboration was founded by the Institute of Mines-Telecom. The research teams are made up of foreign professionals who have been recruited at the highest level and whose work has been frequently honored and recognized internationally.
Why should join this program? EURECOM is a highly regarded research laboratory and graduate school. Its Communication Systems department is well-known for its contributions to theory and practice, having participated in a large number of EU projects, including several ERC and ITN Marie Curie projects. This department is also the founder and leader of the OpenAirInterface Software Alliance (OAI), the world’s first open-source 5G radio experimentation platform.