Erasmus Mundus Scholarship in Geospatial Technologies

The Masters Program has been selected within the Erasmus Mundus Program of the European Commission (2007-0064/001 FRAME MUNB123), and re-selected for five further editions starting in 2012 (FPA-2012-0191). The Masters Program has been granted 3 Category A scholarships for Partner Countries Students and 1 Category B scholarship for a Programme Country Student. There are additional scholarships for for ten “Geographical Windows” from various sources, altogether 319 scholarships to be distributed amongst 88 Erasmus Mundus Masters Programs.

Eligibility Criteria

Erasmus Mundus Masters consortia will ensure that selected students meet the definition established above. Non-compliance may lead to the cancellation of the scholarship awarded to a student.

Without prejudice to the respect of high academic standards, in order to ensure a geographical balance across students, Erasmus Mundus Masters consortia shall respect the following basic criteria:

  • No more than 2 of the selected students should come from the same country.

  • No more than 1 of the selected students should come from the same institution.

The basis of all scholarship contracts is the contract between the European Commission and the University of Münster. This contract (FPA-2012-0191) is an integrated part of the grant contracts. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the information above. The only legally binding documents are the grant contracts.

Offered Benefits

Erasmus Mundus scholarships for partner country students (Category A scholarships):

Scholarships for the three-semesters Erasmus Mundus Masters Course are (numbers and rates to be confirmed):

  • Contribution to travel, installation and all other types of costs (depending on residence, not nationality):

  • 2 x 1.000 € (2.000 € in total) per scholarship holder resident of a Programme Country for travel costs, OR

  • 2 x 2.000 € for travel costs + 1.000 € installation costs (5.000 € in total) for scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country whose location is situated at less than 4.000 km from the EMMC coordinating HEI, OR

  • 2 x 3.000 € for travel costs + 1.000 € installation costs (7.000 € in total) for scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country whose location is situated at 4.000 km or more from the EMMC coordinating HEI.

  • Subsistence costs of 1.000 € per month, 18.000 € in total (Contribution to subsistence costs must NOT be given to scholarship holders for the EMMC periods (study /research /placement /thesis preparation) spent in their

    country of residence.

  • Coverage of tuition fees of 3.500 € per semester, 10.500 € in total

  • Insurance package, i.e., health insurance.

The scholarship is a full scholarship, meant to cover ALL costs (e.g., tuition fees, travelling, visa costs, accommodation, living expenses, etc.). There will be no further funding.

The study program requires that students provide appropriate laptop computers (laptop with an Intel I3 processor (or similar) with 4Gb of RAM and 200 Gb of HD.). Those students granted by the Erasmus Mundus program who do not possess an appropriate laptop must buy one from the ERASMUS scholarship before starting the study program. If necessary, UJI and ISEGI can facilitate the procurement.

Erasmus Mundus scholarships for programme country students (Category B scholarships):

Scholarships for the three-semesters Erasmus Mundus Masters Course are (numbers and rates to be confirmed):

  • Contribution to travel, installation and all other types of costs (depending on residence, not nationality):

  • 2 x 1.000 € (2.000 € in total) per scholarship holder resident of a Programme Country for travel costs, OR

  • 2 x 2.000 € for travel costs + 1.000 € installation costs (5.000 € in total) for scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country whose location is situated at less than 4.000 km from the EMMC coordinating HEI, OR

  • 2 x 3.000 € for travel costs + 1.000 € installation costs (7.000 € in total) for scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country whose location is situated at 4.000 km or more from the EMMC coordinating HEI.

  • Subsistence costs of 1.000 € per month, 18.000 € in total (Contribution to subsistence costs must NOT be given to scholarship holders for the EMMC periods (study /research /placement /thesis preparation) spent in their

    country of residence.

  • Coverage of tuition fees of 1.500 € per semester, 4.500 € in total

  • Insurance package, i.e., health insurance.

The scholarship is a full scholarship, meant to cover ALL costs (e.g., tuition fees, travelling, visa costs, accommodation, living expenses, etc.). There will be no further funding.

The study program requires that students provide appropriate laptop computers (laptop with an Intel I3 processor (or similar) with 4Gb of RAM and 200 Gb of HD.). Those students granted by the Erasmus Mundus program who do not possess an appropriate laptop must buy one from the ERASMUS scholarship before starting the study program. If necessary, UJI and ISEGI can facilitate the procurement.

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