Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Fetal and Perinatal Medicine (FETALMED PhD)

  •  Phd
  •  31-Jan-2017
  •   Belgium, Spain, Sweden, United States
  • $$  Fully Funded

Welcome to The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Fetal and Perinatal Medicine (Fetalmed-PhD), an innovative research and training programme allowing to achieve an internationally recognized PhD degree on fetal medicine. The programme contemplates research projects spanning all scientific disciplines and all maturational stages relevant to fetal medicine, from early fetal life to childhood.

The FetalMed-PhD programme is a unique consortium of three European centres of excellence on Fetal and Perinatal Medicine based in

Barcelona Leuven Lund

The programme offers an exceptional educational scheme to PhD students. It is the first joint doctoral programme in the emerging field of Fetal Medicine. Activities combine science, technology, and innovation to promote a new generation of transdisciplinary researchers who are capable of closely working in association with other disciplines. Trainees are consequently empowered to work and apply solutions in different sectors, including obviously academia and industry.


Each candidate will have one Home University where he/she will spend most of his/her doctorate period and another Host University, where he/she will spend 6 months of the doctoral period. The doctoral degrees are awarded from these two institutions; we are developing the structure to be recognized as a triple doctorate In addition, candidates could have short stays (between 2 and 12 weeks) at enterprises expert in the research area in which the PhD student will carry out their thesis.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Those professionals from different backgrounds in Clinical (obstetricians, radiologists, cardiologists…), Basic (Biologists, biochemistry…) and Technological (bio-engineers, physicists…) fields interested in developing a career in the Fetal Medicine area.
  • Candidates must have already obtained a first post-graduate degree or demonstrate a recognized equivalent level of learning according to national legislation and practices; from an accredited university (listed in the IAU's List of Universities of the World -
  • Candidates who will only obtain their postgraduate higher education degree at the end of the academic year preceding the one concerned by the  application can nevertheless apply for the doctoral fellowship and be selected by the consortium concerned, under the condition that they acquire the required degree prior to the beginning of the joint doctorate programme concerned.
  • Students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in English, when non-native English students, by means of an internationally recognized test equivalent to level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR - These tests include, e.g., Cambridge English First A, IELTS (academic) 7.0, TOEFL (paper based) 590, TOEFL (computer based) 243, TOEFL (Internet based) 110, etc.

Offered Benefits

There are excellent fellowship opportunities for students accepted to an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme. An employment contract will be given to all selected PhD students during the study time, which is between 3-4 years. (EMJD fellowships). The financial conditions are (amounts for a 3-year doctoral fellowship): Relocation allowance: Fixed contribution to travel, installation, visa related costs and any other cost related to relocation. Will have to be paid in installments in accordance with the needs of the candidate.7500 € for category A fellowships 3000 € for category B fellowships if there is mobility foreseen to 3rd country partnersFixed living allowance: A monthly gross salary of 2800 € (before deduction of any taxes, charges or contributions attached to this type of contract). It should corresponds to a minimum net salary of 1400 € (the final amount will be be fixed in the doctoral candidate agreement depending on national legislation). Living allowance is the same for Category A and B fellowships.Travel and participation costs (fixed contribution to the doctoral candidate participation costs): Tuition fees, supervision fees and insurance are included in the fellowship. In addition, contribution to, for example, travel to the yearly workshop, is provided for, up to a certain limit. This contribution will be better detailed in the “FetalMed-Phd agreement” and will not be paid directly to the student, but will be managed directly by the host institution.Fees and participation costsFees and other required participation costs to study for a PhD differ between the consortia partner universities. However, for PhD candidates selected for a fellowship for the EMJD programme, participation costs and tuition fees will be provided for and thus waived. This applies in general for both category A and B students. Two different categories of EMJD fellowships are available: Category A EMJD fellowships can be awarded to third-country doctoral candidates selected by the EMJD consortium who come from a country other than a European country (see nº 1) and who are not residents and neither have they carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years (see nº 2) in one of these countries. The only exception to this rule applies to third-country doctoral candidates who have previously received an Erasmus Mundus master’s scholarship in order to follow an EMMC.Nº 1: European Country: A Member State of the European Union (28 Member States) plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.Nº 2: The five-year reference period for this 12-month rule is calculated backwards from the submission deadline for Category A applications by the EMJD consortium to the Agency (i.e. for Second Edition: end of next February 2014).Category B EMJD Fellowships can be awarded to European doctoral candidates selected by the EMJD consortia, as well as to any doctoral candidates selected by EMJD consortia who do not fulfill the Category A criteria defined above.

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