Entente Cordiale Scholarships: for students from United Kingdom who want to study in France

The next call for application will start on January 2014.

The Entente Cordiale Scholarship Scheme is a prestigious bi-lateral awards scheme that funds British or French postgraduate students who want to study across the Channel. Funded entirely by the private sector in both countries, the Entente Cordiale provides scholarships for about 20 young individuals each year.

The scholarship is offered for study of any discipline, in any British or French university, provided it is for a postgraduate course. It represents a chance to experience a world-renowned educational system and an opportunity to experience life in the UK or in France, and to meet other scholars. We expect Entente Cordiale scholars to become part of an influential alumni network, which already numbers over 400 members, and through which they can discover many opportunities to develop their career and become a future leader in their field.

The scheme also proposes a selected number of branded scholarships, focussing on students in certain disciplines closely related to industry or particular professions.

Eligibility Criteria

You can apply for an Entente Cordiale scholarship if you are a postgraduate student with a clear idea of your professional goals and an interest in consolidating Franco-British links. To be eligible, you must fulfil all the following criteria :
As the scheme is Franco-British you will be expected to be of British nationality. If you are not a British national, please visit the CampusFrance website where you will find information about scholarships available in your country of origin. You will need an excellent track record illustrating your achievements, both academically and otherwise.

Language skills requirements for the one-year and the short term scholarships are as follows :
Arts and humanities students : a good command of French
Science, medicine and engineering students : a working or good command of French is a plus, but it is not a mandatory requirement.

Students applying for a language scholarship will be expected to have a basic knowledge of French. Their level will be assessed by the language centre so that they can be offered a course meeting their needs.

Students of all subjects – humanities, the arts, science, medicine, engineering, etc – are eligible to apply. Please note that there is no age limit.

One of the main aims of the scheme is to assist successful candidates in playing leading roles in the future of their country. British Entente Cordiale alumni are now pursuing careers in diverse fields in both the public and the private sectors.

Offered Benefits

Three types of scholarships are offered to suit the individual needs of students.

Long term scholarships cover a whole academic year and are best suited for students wishing to study for a Master 1 or a Master 2 in a French university or grande école. Scholars receive a maintenance award of £8000 (in Paris) pa or £7500 (outside Paris) pa and a maximum contribution of £3000 pa towards the payment of tuition fees. Please note that the scholarship is for one year only and is not renewable.
Short term scholarships cover a period of 3 to 6 months to carry out doctorate or post-doctorate research in a French research institution or laboratory.
Language scholarships cover a one-month French language intensive course in July or August in the Centre de Linguistique Appliquée (CLA) in Besançon (or other language centre of your choice within same budget). Language scholarships are awarded to students planning to register for a course in France and wishing to enhance their language skills. Courses during the academic year may be arranged in exceptional circumstances when a student is unable to attend a summer course due to other commitments.

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