Engineering: Mesoscopic Modelling and Simulations of Complex Particulate Systems for Phd

Applications are invited for a doctoral position in mesoscopic modelling of complex particulate systems at the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering (ZCCE). The focus of the project will be on accurate modelling and simulation of the dynamics and mechanical properties of micro/nano-particles interacting with complex media and under complex microflow conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates should have an excellent Master's degree in a related field, such as Chemical, Mechanical, Aerospace Engineering or Physics.

Applications from candidates with a background in fluid mechanics, rheology, soft matter, particulate systems, computational fluid dynamics and/or mesoscopic particle methods are welcome.

Knowledge of C/C++ or Fortran programming languages is required.

Experience in parallel programming for HPC is desirable. Some experience in modelling and simulation using particle methods such as smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) or molecular dynamics (MD) would be beneficial.

Due to funding restrictions, this studentship is open to UK candidates only.

Offered Benefits

The studentship covers the full cost of UK tuition fees, plus a tax free stipend of £14,296 p.a. There will also be additional funds available for research expenses.

Application Process

Please visit the website for more information on how to apply for this studentship.

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