Engineering & Computer Science: KESS II Funded PhD Studentship: Integrated digital modelling for sustainable energy development

  •  Phd
  •  02-Mar-2018
  •   United Kingdom
  • $$  Full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, plus a stipend

*This scholarship is part funded by the Welsh Government’s European Social Fund (ESF) convergence programme for West Wales and the Valleys.*

PhD  Scholarship for UK or EU applicants in the field of: Engineering and Computer Science

Subject study: Integrated digital modelling for sustainable energy development

Start date: April 2018

With the growing pressure of sustainable energy supply, the oil & gas industries are looking into continuous development with the minimum environmental impact, which relies more and more on advanced simulation technologies. The project will address various aspects of integrated digital modelling systems for sustainable energy development.  The nature of the PhD research work involves computer modelling and applications in reservoir and geotechnical applications/processes. A particular focus is on the efficient integration of different digital modelling systems. The PhD project is open ended with a large degree of freedom to explore further into several related directions in parallel computing, computer simulation, data analysis, and engineering applications. The project is collaborative between a large academic research team and a leading industrial partner.

Candidates with background in engineering and physics (civil, mechanical, aerospace, geotechnical, or related subjects), computer science, and mathematics are encouraged to apply, and relevant MSc degrees would be appreciated.

The scholarship provides 3 years of funding with a 6 month period to complete the thesis. The achievement of a postgraduate skills development award, PSDA, is compulsory for each KESS II scholar and is based on a 60 credit award.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates should have a 2.1 or above in their undergraduate degree in Engineering (civil, mechanical, aerospace, geotechnical engineering, or related subjects), Computer Science, Mathematics, or Physics. They should also be eligible for UK/EU Fees,

Offered Benefits

The studentship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, plus a stipend. The bursary will be limited to a maximum of £14,340 p.a. dependent upon the applicant’s financial circumstances.

There will also be additional funds available for research expenses.

Application Process

Please visit our website for more information.

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