Earth Prize Foundation 2024/2025 Environmental Sustainability Competition for students

  •  Contest
  •  30-Jan-2025
  •   Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

The Earth Prize is an environmental sustainability competition open to teenage students everywhere.

Every participant in The Earth Prize will engage with original bespoke materials and get personalized mentorship from university students. They will also have the opportunity to interact with our world-renowned Ambassadors and showcase their solutions to a global audience.

The winning solution will have real-world impact potential, and the winning team will receive $50,000 (from a $100,000 total prize), to be split between their school and the team members.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age: The Earth Prize is open to all students worldwide born between the years 2005 and 2011.
  • Education Level: The Earth Prize is open to all students in the secondary education level and is not open to tertiary education students. Eligible institutions are schools or educational programs.
  • Location: Participants are accepted from anywhere in the world. There are no geographic restrictions.
  • Language: All registration and submission information must be in English.
  • Teams: Each Participant can be an individual student or a team of up to five (5) students collaborating on a submission. Participants from different classes and grades are welcome to form a team as long as they attend the same institution.
  • Adult Supervisor: Participants are strongly encouraged to have an assigned adult Supervisor for their team in order to register for The Earth Prize. Valid Supervisors include, but are not limited to, teachers or school administrators. If Participants have been signed up through an educational program, valid Supervisors can include program coordinators or educators. For individual participants or groups of homeschooled students, a parent may serve as the Supervisor. In either case, an official document certifying the Supervisor’s teacher status or the student’s authorised homeschooling status will be requested during registration. Participants who opt out of having a Supervisor are not eligible to receive one-on-one mentoring from The Earth Prize Mentors. However, if they advance to the Regional Winners Phase, they will receive mentoring, and a member of The Earth Prize team will participate in the session.
  • Participation: Past Participants are welcome to register for The Earth Prize again, as long as they meet the eligibility criteria. Projects submitted to The Earth Prize in a prior year which have been selected as The Earth Prize Winners or Runners-up will not be accepted.
  • Scope of Submissions: Submissions to The Earth Prize are expected to propose solutions aimed at accelerating positive change towards environmental sustainability. The Earth Prize will consider a wide range of solutions: local, national as well as global ones; new ideas with implementation potential as well as existing student projects; products, organisations, enterprises, as well as campaigns.

Application Process

Go to Earth Prize Foundation on to apply
  • Fill out the online registration form to get access to My Earth Prize Platform, where you will have access to our exclusive content and mentoring
  • Make sure that your Supervisor or Team Lead (who could be you, if you are a student) registers and creates your team on the Submissions Portal.
  • Complete the necessary team information and get thinking!
Apply Here
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